Scientist Mentoring & Diversity Program for Medical Technology (SMDP MedTech)

Purpose & Responsibilities
The International Center for Professional Development, in partnership with medical technology industry sponsors, will host a training session for the 2025 Scientist Mentoring & Diversity Program for Medical Technology, (SMDP MedTech).

The year-long mentoring program brings together diverse students (Undergraduate, Baccalaureate, Master, PhD or PostDoc) and early career researchers for a professional development training experience October 4-9, 2025. SMDP MedTech Scholars will be paired with industry mentors from medical technology and consumer healthcare companies. Each Scholar/Mentor team will be provided the opportunity to attend The MedTech Conference. They work together for one year after the training session to carry out a personalized mentoring plan that helps prepare the SMDP MedTech Scholars for careers in industry.

The Outreach & Planning Committee is responsible for:

  • Raising awareness of the Scientist Mentoring & Diversity Program for Medical Technology (SMDP MedTech)
  • Planning the SMDP MedTech Training Session
  • Developing a timeline for all Scholar and Mentor activities
  • Identifying and providing suggestions for program content
  • Recruiting SMDP MedTech Scholars and Mentors
  • Suggesting and recommending speakers
  • Providing oversight for Scholar selection
  • Inviting special guests to attend and participate in the SMDP MedTech Training Session
  • Promoting the “Celebration of Mentoring & Diversity in MedTech” reception by inviting guests to attend
  • Program evaluation and reporting results to sponsor companies and to the public
  • Promoting workforce diversity in the medical technology

Who serves on this Committee?

  • A designated chairperson
  • Up to two staff representatives from each program sponsor organization
  • Key regional stakeholders from collaborating organizations where the training session will occur, such as universities, associations, government agencies
  • Former SMDP MedTech Scholars
  • Elisabeth Valerio, President/CEO, ICPD
  • Scott May, Executive Director, Executive Director, ICPD
  • Dustie Savage, Program Director, ICPD
  • Dayveon Cooper, Outreach Coordinator, ICPD

want to know more?
email Elisabeth Valerio: or Scott May:
you may also call: 951 599-4956

Thanks to our sponsors

Merck Incyte J&J Innovative Medicine AstraZeneca Lilly Kenvue Amgen Pfizer J&J MedTech
Moderna BIO The MedTech Conference ICPD Genentech
EMD Serono MilliporeSigma Stryker Edwards Lifesciences BMS
Sana IGM 23andMe Cohesys B. Braun Medical, Inc. FluidAI Propel Careers