Process Excellence Engineer at Johnson & Johnson

May 28, 2024
Process Excellence Engineer at Johnson & Johnson

Rayonna Gordon, MS, is a Process Excellence Engineer at Johnson & Johnson. She leads and facilitate projects and initiatives across a manufacturing site to improve and streamline processes related to safety, people, quality, and production.

What is the highest degree you have earned and what can you tell us about your academic path?

My highest degree is a Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering from the Wake Forest-Virginia Tech joint School of Biomedical Engineering and Sciences. I completed my Bachelor of Science in Bioengineering at North Carolina A&T State University and upon preparing for graduation, I decided to pursue a master’s degree to enhance my skills and knowledge in the Biomedical field as well as set myself up for quickly moving into leadership roles in the industry. During my graduate studies, I focused on developing medical technology for under resourced areas and facilities.

Where do you work now and what is your company about?

I work at Johnson and Johnson in Jacksonville, FL at the VisionCare manufacturing site. Johnson and Johnson is a leader in the MedTech space and the VisionCare manufacturing site in Jacksonville focuses on the production of our contact lens products.

How did you first learn about the company?

I first learned about Johnson and Johnson at a career fair during my undergraduate studies. That is where I learned of their wide portfolio in the MedTech industry. During my time in SMDP, I was mentored by a leader at Johnson and Johnson who exposed me to more about MedTech and J&J.

What do you like most about the company?

I love that Johnson and Johnson is guided by our Credo. Though it is a global company with many locations, we are connected by the Credo and it is our driving force. Our Credo states that we are dedicated to helping the patient first and foremost, as well as building up our employees, serving the communities we touch, and bringing the best value to our stakeholders. It keeps us grounded and all working toward the same goal.

What skills make you successful in your role and why did you choose this role?

The key skills in my role that make me successful are Lean and Six Sigma, change management, communication and collaboration, and data analysis and visualization. The Process Excellence Engineer role requires a heavy amount of communication and collaboration to effectively bring cross-functional teams together to improve processes that impact the site. Lean and Six Sigma understanding and application give excellent structure to uncovering opportunities for improvement and finding sustainable solutions. Obtaining my Black Belt in Lean has given me the knowledge I need to implement this methodology in the various projects and initiatives. Change management skills are critical to success in the role. As Process Excellence Engineers, we are responsible for getting people on board with positive change. And as we all know, change, no matter how positive it is, is always difficult. I chose this role because of the broad positive impact that it has. The role touches every department on the site and every level from the manufacturing floor to the executive suite. It is a role that encourages connection and diversity of thought to create better experiences for the employees and the patients.

How do you define success?

Success to me is moving the needle toward your individual goals and purpose. It is the day to day, week to week achievements that move you to where you want to be in life and where you feel you make the best impact. Success can be achieved every day.

What's the most fulfilling aspect of your job?

The most fulfilling aspect of my job is how much I can see that what I do impacts people. In MedTech we see the work we do to help save lives and improve patients’ health. In my role, I also get to see my efforts strengthen teams and push people to continuously improve. It is a role that celebrates successes and encourages people to keep pushing for “excellence”, and that is reflected in the pride that people show in their work and the valuable relationships that are built.

What advice do you have for students and job seekers?

Building connections is essential for any job – obtaining the job and being successful in the job. No connection is too small or insignificant. Every person you meet has knowledge or expertise in something and that is a very powerful thing. Knowing your own expertise as well as the knowledge and expertise of others will help build strong, impactful, and useful relationships that will help to obtain a job; but it will also help you build strong, impactful, and useful teams that will transform the business.

What book did you read last?

The Christmas Train by David Baldacci. A book for pleasure reading.